SEO and Email Marketing are usually considered two mutually exclusive parts of the marketing realm. Most people don’t think they would go hand in hand or could amplify the benefits of the other, but we’re going to show you that notion is completely false. How does this even work? Well, the power of SEO can grow our email marketing list and conversely use our email marketing list to grow our SEO for more website traffic. The secret sauce to this is that the more we do it, the better outcome because it becomes powerful. Like most things we know, starting is the hardest part, but once the process starts the sky’s the limit. But the first step is to address and set our goals. The most common would be to have more conversions and sales, so if that’s what you’re looking for, combining SEO and email marketing will start a powerful domino effect. What do we mean by the domino effect in this scenario? Firstly, we want more visitors to check out the contents of your website, and when that happens more of everything is shared. That triggers a positive SEO signal to Google which automatically increases our rankings. The more people, the merrier, if we can have the masses view more of our content via email then the downstream effect of that could be higher rankings and more traffic through Google search results. How do we get there? Make sign ups a prerogative Obtaining email addresses are key to this process, so we have to incorporate sign-ups. We’ll get that from the content we share and website material but it’s important to incentivize that. This doesn’t necessarily have to occur through SEO, any marketing traffic channel will suffice such as direct traffic, social media traffic, and referral traffic. Whoever is visiting your content must be an automatic sign-up for a powerful email marketing list. One of the methods we’re focusing on is using SEO for content power-ups. For example, in order to incentivize you’ve got to offer something special whether that be a bonus or exclusive content for people that take the time to sign up. You’ve got to offer something that isn’t readily available to people who haven’t signed up. Content isn’t the only way to go, it could be a free coupon, free consultation, free sample of a product, whatever gets them to feed you their contact details. Segmentation Segmentation is important because we want to be organized with our emails. Dumping everything in one email is lazy and inefficient. Every email must have a purpose and send a unique message to grab their attention and define our goals clearly. That’s why we’ve got to segment by interest and topic. Segmentation can be by self where people check a box and clearly define their interest in one or more areas, or it can be automatic where emails are sent based on the content the user browses. It’s important to make segmentation clear to the audience so they know exactly what they’re receiving and don’t view you as a source of junk mail. So if they’re on a page that is marketing “skincare tips” then when they sign up, you best be sure that’s exactly what they will receive. Promote your content Now we’ve got to promote our content by using our email list to send traffic back to our website. This part needs to be clearly thought out because you want to showcase your best part which is the creme de la creme of your content available on your website. Showcasing all our content to these visitors is a complete waste because these visitors are coming through a Google search and we want them to keep them hooked. They don’t know the best part, only you do, so you’ve got to hook them with that. And most importantly, you’ve got to personalize it. Personalizing is a clutch here because you’re catering to each visitors’ interest. You’ve already done the grunt work of personalization based on their interest as you’ve segmented them out through automatic segmentation. Basically, whatever they want, you’ve got to feed them your best of that. And don’t be afraid of recycling your old content. You can mix your new and old both when sending out content because your visitors won’t remember everything. Just find creative ways to present and showcase it, for example through a series. Sharing incentivization Incentives don’t only apply to sign up but sharing as well. Why have great content only for one person while you can also have 100 more people see that amazing work? And you guessed right, we’ll segment our sharers too. This means we not only segment by interest but also by the power of influence. Here you’ve got to group influencers in a similar industry that have a strong following and reach. You can use this list by giving them exclusive content to make them feel special and as a result, they’ll have the clout to information not available to the average Joe. Keyword Research Finally, we‘re at the last stop. When we say SEO, you say keyword research. This is great for incorporation into our emails. Where do you ask we might use this, you guessed it right, the email subject line. But, that’s not the only place, you can also use the keywords in the signup call to action. So instead of just saying “Hey, sign up for our newsletter” you could instead use your targeted keywords like “skincare 101” or “best kitchen palette.” It’s what these visitors are using to get to your website.
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